
Showing posts with the label Team Building Cooking

Team Building Cooking Toronto & Mississauga by Summit Team Building

An excellent team building activity is cooking. A little “out of the box,” yet fun and engaging, cooking is a superb way to build the camaraderie and trust of your team, as well as develop your team’s capacity to work together. Team Building Cooking Concept Underlying Team Building Cooking The concept underlying team building cooking is to place team members in a position they would usually not encounter together. This is where cooking is an excellent activity because the team members will not have had much cooperation in this way. Thus, team building cooking forms an unusual situation in which the members are on equal footing and must work together to create a pleasing product. Preparation to Team Building Cooking It is best to assign a food item that has never been cooked by any of the participants so that they are all functioning equally in unfamiliar territory. Possibly you could have your team make a dish indigenous to India or a dessert from Germany? Once you or you...